birdshit - i stayed up all night and saw the sunrise

Irony Records

birdshit _ i stayed up all night and saw the sunrise irony records

This is the first birdshit album thats entered my ears and it wont be the last. birdshit, not too sure about the name, invites you with open arms into his world of super affable sounds and aspects on 'i stayed up all night and saw the sunrise'.

Thats not to say its all smooth sailing on 'i stayed up all night' as it can get pretty in your face at times. Grinding drones on the first part of the title track burst onto the scene catching the listener and their subtle, soft atmosphere off guard entirely. Inbetween the noisier sections are some soothing melodies and rhythms to latch onto. It's all relatively listenable stuff. Inoffensive on the ears.

Bouts of industrial character are laced into the project, pushing harsh tones to the forefront. A project from 2020 by Even Oxen named 'The Goat Lamb of God' has a similar tendency to spiral down into chaotic soundscapes. It's up there with the best worked noise I've heard in recent memory.

Breaking down the safety of lush and lucid serenity had never been so wholesome. This record is a prime example of how to blend the beautiful and the downright unscrupulous. birdshit's world seems to have no rules. Textural ambivalence is the name of the game. Bliss and brass coalesce to create a juxtapositial paradigm. A reminder that even the smoothest of seas have bouts of turmoil. Like the artwork suggests this material is like a detonation on a fine summers day. Unexpected to the nth degree.

Homely electronic music. Warm and cozy.
Keeps its distance for the most part. Gently entices the listener in and then proceeds to drag them under.

Favorite Track: i stayed up all night pt. ii


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