Squid - Bright Green Field

Warp Records

squid _ bright green field warp records brighton post punk art rock

'Bright Green Field' is one of the most eagerly awaited debut albums in recent memory. Released on the prestigious Warp Records label BGF has a lot of hype to live up to in both the labels historical sense and Squid's pre-debut output. The 'Town Centre' EP, released in 2019, along with infectious single 'Houseplants' and a handful of other pieces garnered thorough attention from the music world, and rightly so. Squid's blend of danceable rhythms, funk-fueled flare, humor and off-kiltered approach make them quite an enigmatic whirlwind of musical endeavors.

It seems like the scene in which Squid are commonly tied to - black midi, Black Country, New Road, Shame, Fontaines D.C. and the list goes on - does not miss. Each band brings their own unique touch to the race. It's a truly wonderful thing to be around to witness - and take part in, eventually, remember concerts?!?

Squid let loose two of the finest singles in the lead up to an album - 'Narrator' and 'Pamphlets' - that I've ever heard. 'Paddling' is also a great single but in comparison with the other two 8 minute epics it can't possibly hold up. If they didn't get your mouth watering for 'Bright Green Field' with these tracks, then I'm afraid your finger just isn't on the pulse! It's a rare occasion when acts live up to the hype that they've conjured with their 'watch this space' material. No doubts ever crossed my mind as to if Squid would deliver a work of sheer quality and live up to their potential. An air of wise musicality far beyond the age of the individual members hovers over the group of young musicians. Throwing a few curve balls into the mix - the warped four minute outro to 'Boy Racers' for example - shows us that their eyes often focus on a more expansive sound in scale and feel and aren't afraid of taking risks to accomplish it - not nearly enough acts have this necessary knowing. Where they take their sound - sonically and stylistically - will surely be a thing of beauty to watch unfurl.

Squid's debut project feels like it could be their fifth studio album - this is an ode to just how impeccable and well put together 'Bright Green Field' is.

I play my PART x

Favourite Track: Pamphlets


The Alchemist - This Thing Of Ours EP


Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool