Minor Conflict - Parallels EP


The left-leaning sounds of Bristol based three-piece Minor Conflict once again find their feet - two left feet, in a positive sense - through the Parallels EP. Positive in a sense that Parallels is home to that nice touch of awkward - enough of a hobble to make things fresh; not enough to completely spill the goods. 

Minor Conflict continue their offset charm with an unexpected - expected, for returning listeners - and somewhat upsetting mix of abstract tangents and post-rock/jazz-y filled floob tubes. Floob tubes filled with horror-like harp; very Hitchcock/Hermann. Stabs of strings - like stepping into mousetraps every other step. Plucked and pulled apart. There's a real disturbing air that wisps out of Minor Conflict's material. A sort of medieval madness. Jesters of a sinister court system prance about in flagrant joy. Hand puppets bash one another in a hyperbolic fight to the death. Onlookers maniacally laugh at the absurdity of it all, not knowing the trick is being played on them. 

Stylistically jarring, Minor Conflict rarely stay in one groove for long. A feel of unrest - however calm the material sounds - sits right beside the upset psyche. A pot of tea laced with uppers. Weird moods all round. Up for it more than usual. Milk and sugar? A dash of milk and eleven sugars, please. Is it hot in here, or is it just me? An interesting start to the day to say the least. 

The dynamics of deadpan and theatrical, sorrowful and uncaring. Up and down up and down. Falling towers, staring eyes. Witnessing the downfall. This place wasn't built in a day, but it will fall in one.

With Parallels, Minor Conflict strengthen their ties with the more abstract and thought provoking side of the sonic spectrum. The full length debut is bound to be one of interest. 

'If it's hard to breathe, PVA your bronchioles.'


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