Beastie Boys - Paul’s Boutique

July 25th, 1989.


The musical miracle that is Pauls Boutique turns 35. A deep dive into plenty a popular sound of the 30+ previous years, The Beastie Boys, with a hand from The Dust Brothers, brought the past into the present through what you could pretty much refer to as 'The peak of sample-based creativity.' Senses were definitely close to the surface on this one - well-tuned and ready to receive.

From a Punk Rock crew; to Rock Rap renegades; to the eventual collage-like, papier mâché manifestations of Pauls Boutique, The Beastie Boys extended their repertoire ad infinitum within a short period of time. Few albums can do what Pauls Boutique can. The creative stitch which brought this project together was as clean and crystal clear as they come. MCA, Ad-Rock and Mike D gel like none other. Give them a sonic landscape which breathes a chaotic breathe from its lungs, and The Beastie Boys will equal it's chaotic flair. Often times, having fun comes at the cost of sacrificing quality. The Beastie Boys manage to keep the energy levels at an insane level - riffin', trippin', dickin' around - without results becoming pale. 

Weaved by samples upon a plunderphonic plateau - psychedelically slanted. An infinite pool of influences and subsequent influence. New York City. Sleazy. Freaky. Confident in it's quirks. Brothers by dust. Affiliates of invisible binds - the strongest bind known to man. Beneath the frequency. Animal to some degree. Primal. Encoded. Before the beginning. Before the before. 

Considered a commercial disappointment upon release, Pauls Boutique's otherworldly qualities required time to work their ways into the collective consciousness. It's often the case for things that are forward thinking to be dismissed - but time, if you haven't learned already, will always tell.


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