King Krule - Man Alive!

Matador/True Panther/XL


King Krule furthered his reputation as urban crooner with album number three Man Alive!. The dingy, dilapidated streets that King Krule manoeuvres imbue the sunken skull state - zombified beings loosely roam; no intent; slurring words; dragging feet. Watching TV in their heads to escape.

Man alive but lost at sea. A floating unknown. Hopeful beginnings; hopeless endings. A fruitless search. All for nothing. In the end, the hope hurt the hunt. It offered an empty hand; one which concealed the inevitable outcome. Found but lost forever. Dragged by the moons pull. Inched along by an invisible force. There's a temptation to call it fate, but said temptation puts the power elsewhere - efforts mean zilch, the ending already mapped out, inescapable. A node on an already decided network. Thought around rather than thought through. Fate concealed on the other side of the wrong decision. Sleeping rough - sweet dreams nonetheless; the pavement bends to your being. Bedrock will hold you up if nothing else does - albeit with feet in the air. Walls closing in, breathing - breaths in but not out, no release or relief. Filling up. Breath by breath. Rib by rib. Drowning on the source itself. Everything seems to be numbness around. Harsh lessons and hard landings. Life doesn't forgive and you better believe it doesn't forget. 

The essence of an addicts being. The search for what's not there. Seeking solace in ephemeral blankets. There must be an answer. For now, it's alright. 

'Where are you going? The day's about to end...' 


Black Sabbath