Deerhunter - Microcastle


October 27th, 2008.

Deerhunter's third album, 'Microcastle', is part-sharp and part-shy. Outward, but reserved. Willing, but on it's own terms. Prone to sit back and overthink, Microcastle bathes in self-doubt - despondent, to a degree. A distant gaze permeates the feelings of alone, but not lonely. Open to the outside, but shut off from it for the most part. Insides being where the true battle takes place.

Microcastle sets sail with what is potentially the greatest one-two intro ever put to tape - 'Cover Me(Slowly)'/'Agrophobia' saunters in on drowsy waves of psychedelic stupor; transposes a fixated state of melancholic meandering; shimmers in a delicate dourness. Glistening in honey-like haze, Microcastle bathes in dream-like aesthetics. Dreams of a searing heat swept asunder. Dragged down to the bottom of the lake. Held captive in small cages. These lakes know why the caged bird sings. Lullaby-like and soothed by the bittersweet, they face adversity with a twinkle in their mind. Tormented by ever evasive possibilities - within reach, but merely impossible. The day comes where the chance to reach the surface comes - a breathe of fresh air is on the horizon. The hand that reaches down to pull you up isn't one of help, but hinder. It's helped you, now you will serve it 'til the end of time. Having been below for so long, the surface seems out of reach, out of touch - a burden to those that belong up there. It's a sensation which aligns with peaceful resentment. Let me rest down here in peace. When the time comes, I'll turn up. Until then, I don't exist.

Microcastle is a special collection of songs - sounds and the emotions that are tied to them. They flicker in a way that's hard to come by.

I'd lose my voice, I know. But I'd have nothing left to say.

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