George Clanton - Slide

100% Electronica

August 7th, 2018.

The contemporary masterpiece that is George Clanton's 'Slide' turns 5. The worlds of alternative music find their feet among one another as Clanton boils up a brew through the finest of alchemy. There's doom and gloom among the dream, but the dream is of such vibrancy that it's happily welcomed as part and parcel - the yin to the others yang. Without one, there is no other. There are no dreams in the absence of nightmares.

Slide rides in on a serene psychedelic stupor. Calming, soothing, tranquil - though undertones of pain permeate. Indulge in the back seat. Left alone, the blessing is also the curse. Remnants of acts such as Primal Scream come through in the dreamy aesthetic - drugged-out and glorious. High in a field with no care in the world. One with all. Nowhere to be - no one to see. I see myself, what do you see? The void. Living loose leads to spinning off axis. Further and further you spin off center. Eventually the string will snap, and you're spinning on your own. Nothing to tie you down; no place to call home; nowhere, and no one, to turn to.

Psychedelic resentment resonates - the nether realm shows that which wasn't once known; always present, but hiding in plain sight. Right before your very eyes; everything you ever were; everything you ever will be. Presented on a Etch A Sketch - flattened out for full effect. The ups and downs unforeseen. Grainy scribblings foreshadow a downturn. The feeling of bliss has plateaued - the ceiling has well and truly introduced itself. There's no getting passed him. He knows all your tricks; all your shortcuts. He couldn't care less, but should probably, definitely, care more. Cold shoulders are given at the slightest of inconvenience. Hurt beyond a helping hand - the only healing around here will be at the helm of my own two; I've been given no choice. Helping hands tend to do more damage - assistance begets softness. Help me once, shame on you. Help me twice, shame on me.

Slide is a special space. Get lost in it, or get found. 


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