King Krule EP

True Panther

King Krule

Archy Marshall, known in the music world as King Krule, released his debut EP on this day in 2011. It's a light slice of early Krule material and a definite indication of the quality yet to come.

He has come a long way since this project. To say he has matured would be a weird statement, considering Archy is still in his mid twenties, but it rings true in the context of his career. Dabbling in Post-Punk, Electronic and inflecting Hip-Hop feel King Krule lays out his influences in front of him. This EP is nothing short of a taster of what was to come on subsequent releases - 6 Feet Beneath the Moon, The Ooz and Man Alive! In other words, a quick look into the multifaceted enigma known as King Krule.

’Noose of Jah City’ would be my pick of the bunch from this project. Its effervescent, cloud-y though more likely city smog, haze wraps the track in a cozy underbelly blanket. It sounds like something a mobster would love to make if they let their guard down for a few minutes. In fact the majority of material across this EP sounds like the workings of seedy individuals that got their mitts on music equipment.

The artwork was undertaken by long term collaborator and brother of Archy, Jack Marshall. Jack would go on to produce the artwork for all subsequent releases and singles.

The King crawls through the city.

November 8th, 2011.


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