Horsegirl - Phonetics On And On


The subtle, sweet and ever deadpan sounds of Chicago's Horsegirl return for their sophomore outing Phonetics On and On. Falling well in line with the characteristics of Indie rock and often times leaning in on the more slanted side of "Slacker" rock, Phonetics On And On is a jangly and somewhat noisy soul-soothing step forwards for Horsegirl. 

Simple yet sophisticated. Playful yet super serious. Heartfelt yet cold as ice. Upset yet at peace with the changing moods. Unimpressed with what you suggest. Followed by the instinctual doubt that things will get better. Twee but not naïve. Soft but stern, resilient. Calloused hands; velvet soul. A wealth of neat and tidy tricks - it's the small things that elevate the being. Pulling things back to their essence. With the basics right, the rest is a matter of preference. The high rises and the low falls of a heartbeat. I wish I could tell you what you want. Trickles of vulnerability emanate out of a cold exterior. The inside bubbling with things to say, but never the moment to let them unfurl. Where'd you go? Far, far, far away. Far from here. Far from myself. 

Horsegirl remain among the best that the contemporary music scene has to offer. Their light-hearted-heaviness comes as a welcome respite for those looking for a dose of quiet confidence. 

And I try and I try and I try....


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