The Murder Capital - Blindness

Human Season

Album number three is upon us as The Murder Capital continue on their amazing streak of Gothically flecked sonics with Blindness

The singles for Blindness - "Words Lost Meaning", "Can't Pretend to Know", "The Fall" and "A Distant Life" - teased a rather deranged side of the band coming to the surface. From the jump things have indeed taken a further twisted turn with "A Distant Life". Abrasive tones swell up inside the songs guts - twisting and turning in on themselves like roots which refuse to grow outwards. A grungy, swampy sound palette is appendaged to the music. Muddy production. Claustrophobic. Smothered. The grungy aesthetic is that was set from the get-go is adhered to throughout the album. The heaviness sticks to you like glue. 

The stormy seas that the album sails in on subsides towards the end of its runtime. The anguish and uncertainty that contorts itself inside Blindness finds some sort of understanding. The Gordian Knot deep at the core of our being can only be met with love and care. Our wings will present themselves once we allow them. 

In life, from time-to-time, words slip from their valued slots into nothingness. No information, just noise. The lips move but nothing is spoken. Fumbled phonetics. Senses dulled, bludgeoned black and blue. 

Rage is blind. That's not to say that it isn't required and sometimes a goddamn right. However, rage without response is nothing more than puppet strings. It builds over time and calcifies in your soul - it solidifies, weighs down and freezes the spirit. Using the rage rather than being used by said rage is the only way out of its impulsive grip. Easier said than done, but it must be done. 

That feeling, that's yours. 

Blindness is out now via Human Season.


Horsegirl - Phonetics On And On